So finally made it in to medicine and it feels great... the first few months have turned my world upside down. So I guess ill start with explaining how the GEMP program is laid out... GEMP1/year 3 and GEMP2/year 4 are essentualy one year consisting of 11 blocks (a block is generaly a system of the body this is true for all 9 blocks except for the first 2) after this GEMP 3/year 5 and GEMP 4/ year 6 is mostly clinical where more time is spent in the hospital. In terms of test these are normaly a multiple choice question papers and short answer questions. I got my leter of acceptance on the 21st of december, the date does change each year but its usualy around this time. If you are considering the route I decided to take, I think its important that you consider accomadation and all the other important things involved with starting at a new university as it does become quite rushed, medical school usualy opens around the 5th of January. The next thing is your final results, if you are currently studying, often these become a slight issue at the end as wits request an official copy with the universities stamp, these can be difficult to obtain by the date that wits requires it but normaly the people involved are understanding and will help you out. The next post will cover the first block.
If you have any questions please comment below.